Your Healthcare Nerve Centre

Monthly Archives: April 2011

Future of Healthcare by Microsoft!

This is an incredible video on how Microsoft sees the future in healthcare and how technology is improving our way of life! With state of the art hospitals being built in Malaysia; it’s just a matter of time before we experience seemless healthcare delivery.

Malaysia Healthcare patients use a portable Personal Health Record (PHR) called the iPHER that carries all their PHI which includes, medications, lab tests, diagnosis, immunizations, alternative procedures, digital images, dental records, ophthalmic care (lens and contact prescriptions) and DNA any where in the world with no need to access the Internet to view the information. Malaysia Healthcare currently uses this PHR to reduce medical errors and create continuity of care for all their patients and to provide seemless healthcare delivery.

Check out our You Tube Channel for more videos!

Malaysia featured in the April issue of the Travel Trade Monthly!

Malaysia was recently featured in the April issue of the Travel Trade Monthly publication. The article covered the growing importance of Malaysia as a leading tourist and healthcare destination. In 2010, Malaysia recorded 24.6 million tourist arrivals which generated MYR56.5 billion (USD18.5 billion). Lonely Planet listed Malaysia as a must see destination for 2010 and Tourism Review and Hotel Resort Insider placed Malaysia in the top for five for Medical Tourism. Enjoy the article below on page 14!

Travel Trade Weekly Ltd publishes two unique publications; Travel Trade Monthly and Travel Trade Weekly.
Travel Trade Monthly contains informative destination features, interviews with key industry figures and in-depth analysis of issues related to the travel and tourism industry within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This publication is distributed monthly as a hard copy to more than 6,000 readers throughout the MENA region and to major travel trade exhibitors worldwide.
Travel Trade Weekly is the first and only weekly virtual publication of its kind in the MENA region. It is read online by more than 150,000 travel professionals globally – including all registered travel agents and tour operators. This weekly virtual publication provides travel professionals around the world with the latest tourism news from within the MENA region, as well as international news and events. Travel Trade Weekly currently receives an average of more than 5,000 readers per day

Malaysia Healthcare CEO speaking at the Ageing Asia Investment Forum today!

Malaysia Healthcare’s CEO, Suresh Ponnudurai will be speaking at the Aging Asia Investment Forum at the Pan Pacific in Singapore today on a subject of growing importance ‘Opportunities in Integrating Health, Tourism, Welllness and Senior Care’.

See you all there!

Link to AAIF2011 Photo Slideshow